Workforce development
Learn about the different workforce development program that Plenty Doors is in partnership with.

Apsáalooke day labor program
The Apsáalooke Day Labor program is a three-month seasonal program that collaborates with local businesses, federal programs, and contract businesses to provide day labor employment opportunities. It also gives local community members a chance to be employed in a perspective position, skill, or trade for the day in which they would possibly gain training and/or full-time employment. With the limited employment opportunities in the Crow Tribal Communities, the program gives job seekers a chance to be employed and generate some income.
Day Labor employers included Little Bighorn College, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the town of Lodge Grass, Plenty Doors, Tribal Courts, and small businesses. The program is funded through the Gianforte Family Foundation, Foundation for Community Vitality, and Western Native Voice, and supported by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Montana Department of Commerce.
Expand Collaborative Partnerships:
Empower Community Members
Ensure Sustainable Funding and Support
Success Stories
"It has been a wonderful & awesome experience; I am so thankful and appreciative for this opportunity to earn a paycheck."(Day Laborer)
I enjoyed working & meeting new people, helping elders, & the community projects. I enjoyed the experience working as a day laborer. Working for the program gave me pride. I hope next summer, the program continues with the community. It helped my family. (Day Laborer)
Little Big Horn College: Great partnership and opportunity to support one another for workforce development.
Crow Tribal Courthouse: We had utilized the day labor program on three occasions. They arrived early and stayed until the job was done. They stayed on task and helped each other.

Apsáalooke energy justice program
The Apsáalooke Energy Justice Project aims to improve the well-being of Apsáalooke tribal members through culture and energy justice with an emphasis on economic diversification and workforce development. We hope to build local and national understanding of impact of the energy transition and its relationship to energy and environmental justice. We are training the next generation of leaders through our Emerging Leaders Cohort under the guidance of our Advisory Committee made up of Apsáalooke knowledge-holders. The Emerging Leaders Cohort is composed of Apsáalooke youth leaders and was formed by the Advisory Board to learn about associated issues with coal development and drawdown, tribal energy development, and lead community development projects.
The Apsáalooke Energy Justice Project is committed to our big ideas of leading community planning efforts that include:
Sustainable, long term, abundant flexible funding, and investments
Useful knowledge and skills to shape and manage healthy ways to live , provide, give back and restore identity to our families, nation, and future generations
Responsible use and protection of natural assets
Equitable community energy development
Clean energy governance
Project Leadership:
Charlene Johnson
John Doyle
Julia Haggerty
Kerri Clement
Mark Haggerty
Roger Coupal
Emerging Leaders Cohort
Jordynn Paz
JoRee LaFrance
Imani Kindness
Jae Hugs
Zac Birdinground
Advisory Committee
Angela Russell
Cleora Hill - Scott
Jim Real Bird
Sharon Peregoy - Stewart
Shawn Real Bird
Sidney Fitzpatrick
Dr. Tim McCleary
The Apsáalooke Energy Justice Project is a collaboration
Members of the Apsáalooke Nation
Plenty Doors Development Corporation ·
Little Big Horn College
Montana State University - Bozeman ·
University of Wyoming Extension
Center for American Progress
We are funded by the:
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
First Nations Development Institute
United States Department of Agriculture
Just Transition Fund