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Request for Proposals 
Financial and Bookkeeping Services 


Financial and Bookkeeping Services for:       

  • Plenty Doors Community Development Corporation (Plenty Doors) 

  • Bureau of Indian Affairs Indian Business Incubator Program (BIA IBIP) 

Description of Project:

Plenty Doors is seeking an established or start up small bookkeeping (financial) business who is willing to expand, grow and participate in the BIA IBIP project while providing services to other incubated businesses. This business will provide bookkeeping, financial services and coaching to Native-owned incubated businesses.   


Plenty Doors, through the BIA IBIP project, will provide services to incubated small businesses in the Plenty Doors’ building, off-site, and for walk-in businesses.  Services will include professional bookkeeping, setting up financial structure, a record-keeping system, payroll and financial reporting required by federal and state agencies.  Other services will include financial/business coaching, provide educational opportunities like financial literacy classes and other related business education will be provided as needed. 


Plenty Doors will consider a contract with recent graduates who studied accounting, or individuals with an accounting, business, finance background and experience providing financial services to businesses and compensate them to provide accounting services to incubated businesses. The goal of our program is to encourage and support businesses to spin off and become their own successful business on the Crow Reservation. 

Questions should be directed to:

Carla Catolster 

Business Incubator Manager 

Plenty Doors Community Development Corporation 

P.O. Box 1061 

Crow Agency, MT 59022 

Phone: 406-679-2830 or 638-2074/2075  Fax: 406-638-2076 



Request for Proposals issued: January 15, 2025 

Written Questions Due from Proposers: February 3, 2025, by noon 

Proposals Due: February, 19, 2025, by noon  

Applicant must meet the Minimum Requirements: 

  • Bachelor's degree in business, math, finance or accounting  

  • 3 – 5 years bookkeeping/accounting job experience 

  • Demonstrated competency in providing financial services to small businesses– comments from small businesses, successful financial reviews/audits and accurate filing of taxes 

  • Experience with accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and general ledger 

  • Thorough knowledge and understanding of GAAP 

  • Strong verbal and written communication skills 

  • Proficient skills in QuickBooks and/or another financial software & Microsoft Excel 

  • High degree of accuracy and attention to detail 

  • Be bondable.  The exact nature of this proof varies from insurer to insurer. At a minimum, bookkeepers must prove they have no criminal convictions of financial impropriety. 


All services shall be performed under the direct supervision of the Business Incubator Manager, Carla Catolster. 

Proposal Requirements: 

  1. Provide a cover letter stating the legal name, address, and phone number. 

  2. Provide a resume that includes businesses worked with 

  3. One example of a positive impact made while supporting a business 

  4. Briefly describe on no more than one page your approach proposed for this project 

  5. Provide a not-to-exceed fee proposal for this project. Include all costs in the fee proposal, both direct and indirect, as well as all reimbursable expenses 

  6. Three letters of reference 

  7. Documented evidence of tribal affiliation and proof of residency – certificate of Indian blood (CIB), marriage license & address 

Respondents will be evaluated according to the following factors: 

  1. Qualifications of the applicant based on criteria and minimum requirements              

  2. Consultant's capability to support the clients' needs – in person, virtually and in a timely manner.                        

  3. Location of business - within the original Apsáalooke Territory as described in 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie.

  4. Tribal affiliation preference: 

    • a. Crow Tribal member 

    • b. Crow Tribal descendant

    • c. Individual married to a Crow Tribal member and living within the original Apsáalooke Territory as described in 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie                                                                               

  5. Related experience working with small Native-owned businesses - samples of previous work may be provided.

  6. Recent references - personal, professional and business 










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Proposal Submittal: 

Proposals must be delivered by Noon on February 19, 2025, to: 


Jonathan Jefferson 

Grants & Contracts Administrator 

Plenty Doors Community Development Corporation 

P.O Box 1061 

Crow Agency, MT  59022 

Phone: 406-679-6109 or 638-2074/2075;   Fax: 406-638-2076 


Emailed or faxed proposals are acceptable for this project. 

Contract Award 

Plenty Doors will award this project to the person offering the best combination of qualifications, experience, and proposed fee. Plenty Doors may reject any submittal not in compliance with all prescribed procedures and requirements, and may cancel this solicitation or reject, for good cause, all responses upon a finding by Plenty Doors that it is in the organization’s best interest to do so. 

Get in touch with Plenty Doors

Fill out the form below to contact us.

Send us your email for future updates.



PO Box 1061

22 Makawasha Avenue

Crow Agency, MT 59022


© 2024 by Plenty Doors Community Development Corporation

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